Mindful Painting with Cecilie Okada

  • 20 Feb 2021
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (JST)
  • Zoom

Registration is closed

Mindful Painting with Cecilie Okada

Date:        Saturday, February 20, 2021

Time:        2:00-3:30 p.m.

Place:       Zoom (Link will be sent before event start.)

Cost:         FEW members: FREE

                 Nonmembers (women only): ¥500 (by midnight, Feb. 17)

Register:   By February 17, midnight

Enjoy a relaxing afternoon exploring your creativity while being guided by FEW member and illustrator Cecilie Okada. Pick one of Ceci's many watercolor tutorials on her website blog, and paint together with other would-be artists (online, of course). No artistic skills or previous art training is necessary. You may feel free to ask questions along the way, and Ceci will be happy to share her expert advice and help.

There are numerous tutorials to choose from: a flower, a leaf, a bird, an illustrated letter, or a landscape. Browse through Ceci's blog to find the one that most appeals to you. Each tutorial comes with a free outline that you can trace and transfer, so you don't need to worry about the drawing part. Below are some art supplies you will need:

  • Watercolor paint
  • Brushes (a set is good to have)
  • Watercolor paper. Get a pad with the sheets glued together. That way, you don't need to stretch the paper. Small size is OK. For a less expensive alternative, use plain sketching paper. 
  • Tracing paper
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • White gouache (optional)
  • Two jars of water for rinsing your brush

The quality level of the art materials is entirely up to you. Price reflects quality. Amazon Japan has everything you need. 

If you want to go to an art-supply store, Yuzawaya in Sannomiya, Kobe, is great (in other cities NOT so much). In Osaka or Kyoto, Kawachi is a specialty art-supply store. Ceci has a guide to art supplies on her website, but the links go to the Amazon US.

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